P3 Parachutes
We really enjoyed designing and testing parachutes!
Our assembly yesterday was all about kindness. We learned about a man called Danny Wallace who started a global movement, encouraging people to carry out random acts of kindness. We read the story of The Good Samaritan and discussed that we should be kind to everyone, not just people we know. As a class, we are going to try to perform small acts of kindness each day - at home and in school.
Sixteen P6/P7 girls and boys went to Sullivan Upper today to play some friendly hockey matches against Sullivan Prep. The sun was shining and fun was had by all! The girls team won 2 and drew 1 game whilst the boys narrowly lost 2 and drew 1. This was great prep for the tournaments we are heading to next week. Thanks to Sullivan Prep for inviting us to play and for the half time oranges and full time Kit Kats!
February has been so much fun - we had special guests (Genevieve and Leon) teach us about keeping healthy, got lots of lovely new resources for our classroom and made delicious pancakes! :)
P2 have enjoyed learning about Holywood . We wet up our own Tourist Information centre and made leaflets about Northern Ireland. We enjoyed making Johnny the Jig Statues, like the Sculptor Rosamund Prager who was born in Holywood. Eva’s Papa kindly visited our class to tell us what Holywood was like in the past and showed us some photographs of how Holywood has changed over time.
We have been having lots of fun at hockey club over the last few weeks. Below are some pictures of us in action. Special mention to Lucas Q, Jay, Lucas M and Bea for trying out as goalie!
P3 have been learning about Healthy Eating and Restaurants. We went to visit Little Wing in Holywood to see what it is like to work in a restaurant. We were able to look at the delicious menus, walk through the kitchens and see the oven where the pizzas are made. Orla answered all our questions about working in a restaurant and how pizza is made.
As part of their topic, P7 boys and girls were learning by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the famous Mackintosh Rose.