Board of Governors — Holywood Primary School
Holywood Primary School

Board of Governors

Transferor Representatives

Mr P Woods (Chairperson)

Mrs S Geddis

Mrs K Robertson

Mr C McManus


Education Authority Representatives

Mr K Forster

Mr S Harper

Parent Representatives

Mrs R Scott (Vice Chairperson and Designated Governor for Child Protection  )

Mr M Sizaret


Teacher Representative

Mrs S Gibson



Mrs D Crookshanks


You'll find the Annual Reports produced by the Board of Governors on our Key Documents page.


The current Board of Governors will serve between June 2018 and 2022. 


Parent Representatives

Parent representatives are elected by parents, at meetings held for that purpose.
They must be parents of pupils attending the school at the time of their election, but if their child ceases to be a pupil of the school they may continue until the end of their term of office.

All types of people can become school governors and no specific qualifications are required. Qualities such as enthusiasm, an interest in education, commitment and some spare time are some of the most important qualities, each person will bring his/her own range of personal and life skills to the role.

Skills acquired working in business or the public sector will also be relevant to managing a school and members can use these skills as a member of the team constituting the Board of Governors. Specific skills in areas such as finance, human resources management and services for children and young people are very valuable. A Board of Governors needs a mix of ages, life skills, experiences and aspirations.

Becoming a School Governor


Teacher Representative

Teacher representative are elected from among the permanent full-time assistant teachers in the school apart from the Principal.


Transferor Representatives

These Governors represent the churches and other institutions whose schools were transferred to the state or were superseded by state schools since 1930. They are usually nominated by their churches.


Education Authority Representatives

Education Authority representatives are appointed by the Education Authority and may or may not be members of the Board.



The Principal is a non-voting member of the Board. The Principal’s attendance does not contribute to a quorum.