Posts filed under Assemblies

Our Assembly - P5 Room 14

Our assembly yesterday was all about kindness. We learned about a man called Danny Wallace who started a global movement, encouraging people to carry out random acts of kindness. We read the story of The Good Samaritan and discussed that we should be kind to everyone, not just people we know. As a class, we are going to try to perform small acts of kindness each day - at home and in school.

Posted on March 5, 2020 and filed under Assemblies, P5.

P2 Room 18 took assembly. It was about Self Belief.

We learnt about famous people who had self belief. We told the story of 3 trees to help remind people to believe in their own abilities. We also learnt about David who had to believe that with God’s help he could defeat Goliath.

Posted on February 10, 2020 and filed under Assemblies.

P3 R5 Assembly on Sharing!

Posted on October 24, 2019 and filed under Assemblies.

P3 "Everyday Heroes" Assembly

P3 Room 4 had their class assembly about “Everyday Heroes” on Wednesday. The boys and girls acted out and spoke about the “Everyday Heroes” all around us such as doctors, police, firefighters and our parents. They also taught the rest of P1-P3 that they too can be everyday heroes by being kind, sharing and loving one another. It’s the little things we do each day that make the world a better place! :)

Check out their wonderful singing and dancing! :)

Posted on October 6, 2019 and filed under Assemblies.

P2 Assembly

P2 loved taking assembly today.  They told the other classes about the importance of being a good listener and how it feels when someone takes the time to listen to us.  They acted out a story of a bear who had a problem.  Only one character in the story listened to what was wrong with bear.  In P2 we know that we have our friends, family, teachers and God to listen to us.

Posted on April 25, 2018 and filed under Assemblies.

Friendship Assembly

Posted on May 17, 2017 and filed under Assemblies, P2.

Being Thankful Assembly

P2 room 8's assembly was about being thankful.  We acted out the story 'A Squash and a Squeeze'. The little old lady thought her house was too small until it was full of animals and then she realised she should be grateful for what she had!

Super actors and actresses. 

Super actors and actresses. 

The narrators told the story beautifully. 

The narrators told the story beautifully. 

We talked about things we are thankful for.

We talked about things we are thankful for.

We painted some pictures too. 

We painted some pictures too. 


We told the story of Jesus healing the 10 men with lepracy.  Only one man remembered to thank you to Jesus! 


We finished off with a poem about lots of things we are thankful for. Room 8 loved taking assembly!

Posted on May 18, 2016 and filed under P2, Assemblies.