Christmas Crackers!

P7 spent the morning making some Victorian Christmas crackers.

Inside is a Christmas treat and a festive joke:

What do snowmen ride to work on? Icicles!

Why does Santa have three gardens? So he can ho ho ho!

What do elves in love eat for breakfast? Mistletoast!

What do elves learn at school? The elf-a-bet!

Posted on December 18, 2019 and filed under P7.

P7 Christmas Treat

P7 had a great time watching Elf followed by lunch in Pizza Hut. Big thanks to all the parent helpers and the PTA for making today possible.

Posted on December 17, 2019 and filed under P7.

P2 Posting Letters

Posted on November 25, 2019 and filed under P2.

P1 Room 2 - Outdoor Learning Day

Posted on November 12, 2019 and filed under P1.

A Firefighter visits P2.

As part of our People Who Help Us Topic, James the Firefighter came to visit P2.  He told us all about his job and showed us his uniform.  We had lots of questions for him too.  Some of the children in P2 think they would like to be a Firefighter when they grow up!

Posted on November 11, 2019 .

P3 R5 Assembly on Sharing!

Posted on October 24, 2019 and filed under Assemblies.

Room 2 love using the ICT Suite!

Posted on October 22, 2019 .

Room 2 enjoy outdoor play!

Posted on October 17, 2019 .

P1R3 are busy bees!

Posted on October 15, 2019 .

When the Iron Men came to visit

The P7 year group had a great day on Friday displaying their Iron Man homeworks. They built some incredible looking Iron Men, using a variety of resources, with the Iron Men coming in all shapes and sizes. They have created an army of Iron Men that are now standing guard in the school foyer.

Posted on October 8, 2019 .

P3 "Everyday Heroes" Assembly

P3 Room 4 had their class assembly about “Everyday Heroes” on Wednesday. The boys and girls acted out and spoke about the “Everyday Heroes” all around us such as doctors, police, firefighters and our parents. They also taught the rest of P1-P3 that they too can be everyday heroes by being kind, sharing and loving one another. It’s the little things we do each day that make the world a better place! :)

Check out their wonderful singing and dancing! :)

Posted on October 6, 2019 and filed under Assemblies.

P4 Fruit Planets

 In P4 our Space topic is well under way! We have been learning about the planets in our Solar System. Last week we compared the sizes of the planets by using different types of fruit, if the sun was the size of twelve large open umbrellas in comparison:

Mercury would be the size of a peppercorn

Venus and Earth would be cherry tomatoes

Mars would be a blueberry

Jupiter would be a watermelon

Saturn would be a grapefruit

Uranus would be an apple

Neptune would be an orange.

We also measured out how far away they are relative to each other in the playground. The four rocky planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are relatively close to the sun, whereas the big gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are much more spread out and far away from the sun.

Posted on September 24, 2019 .