P5 R13 had a visit to the Book Fair to check out what was on offer!
Woodlouse Investigation in P5
P5 have been investigating where woodlice like to live. They created some fantastic habitats for the woodlice to try out!
P5, P6 & P7 Sports Day
P5 Trip to W5
P5 took a trip to W5. It was a great day out, topped off with a trip to the shop!
Cinderella Rockerfella
Cinderella Rockerfella
Chest, Heart and Stroke visit P5
Skeletons in P5!
P5 having been learning all about the human skeleton.
More Fitness Freddy
P5 Entrepreneurs
P5 had a visit from Young Enterprise. They learnt all about becoming entrepreneurs. The pupils got to experience being builders, town planners and had to come up with an idea for a new restaurant. It was a great day all round!
Christmas Cards 2016
Each year the children get the opportunity to design their own Christmas cards. This year Erin and Jacob's were chosen as the design for the school Christmas card that will be sent to other schools.
P5 attempt the Mannequin Challenge!
A visit to the Book Fair!
P5 Woodlouse Investigation
P5 were investigating the type of habitat woodlouse prefer. They came to the conclusion that woodlouse prefer places that are dark and damp. (Though some of them seem to like escaping and running around Mr McConnell's classroom!)
Playtime fun & friendships
The boys and girls love break and lunchtime playtime. Skipping, football, hopscotch, drawing, reading, lots of running races to name just a few of the games played. Pokemon cards are all the craze this term too! Members of staff on duty have also noticed how helpful the P6 Buddies have been. The boys and girls who play well and classes who also try really hard to line up each day earn tokens giving them a chance of winning extra playtime for their class. Well done boys and girls. Keep it up!
Minibeast Madness in P5
As part of our Minibeast topic, P5 pupils brought in a selection of minibeasts, ranging from ants to slugs, earwigs to worms and even spiders!
P5 took a walk around Holywood on Friday!
P5 Measuring Morning
P5 spent the morning measuring each other. Then they had to design an Egyptian sarcophagus (in chalk) out in the playground.
P5 at W5!
P5 had an exciting day out to W5! The highlight being an investigative workshop where P5 helped catch a thief using a range of scientific techniques including fingerprints, chromatography and DNA!
We all got soaked at the Summer Fair!
To finish off the great evening at the School Fair, the fabulous weather was perfect for the traditional soaking by the Holywood firemen!
P4-P7 Healthy eaters
Many of our P4- P7 boys and girls are great at bringing in healthy breaks each day. Well done to these pupils. A special mention to P7, Mrs Clarke's class, who with the help of Mrs Forster ( also affectionately known by the boys and girls as the Healthy Break police officer!) have been working really hard this year to bring healthy breaks every day.