P1 MISS DOBBIN: Jackson for being a lovely friend.

P1 MRS CORNISH Lilly for the most beautiful hand writing and fabulous pictures.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Isabella for amazing work solving problems.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HARRON: Hollie for great problem solivng during numeracy time.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Bethany for super reading in class this week.

P3 MR FIELD: Saul for super number work.

P3 MRS GIBSON: James for being so helpful.

Posted on November 23, 2022 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P4 Mrs Gibson:

George for excellent scientific reasoning during experiments about space.

P4 Mrs McKeown:

Cormac for good work on plurals adding ā€œSā€

Eva Great expression reading the part of Professor Tangle.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson:

Sarah & Sam for completing a great write-up abiout their junk model designs.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson:

James & Con for great Clarinet / Glcokenspiel playing practising for Holywood Festival.

P5 Mrs Brown:

Kian for accurate work on probelm solving

Alex for a fantastic picture of Andy Warholā€™s soup cans.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood:

Luke for logical thinking skills during coding for ICT

Rama for excellent work in literacy especially in homophones.

P6 Mrs Hammond:

Molly for working hard at long multiplication!

Betty for being a good friend and always including everyone.

P6 Mr McConnell:

Rene & Lachlan for excellent and creative work when coding in ICT.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall:

Oscar for workig hard as part of a team.during the recent catpapult STEM challenge.

Tsubasa fro working extemely hard and settlign in well to HPS

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart:

Ethan for excellent revision work on factors and direction.

Oliie for conquering how to interpret linegraphs

Posted on November 16, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P1 MISS DOBBIN: Jude for always trying his best at everything he does.

P1 MRS CORNISH: Eben for being a good friend to everyone - so so kind and helpful.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Phoebe for super sounding out to spell new words and write sentences all by herself.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HARRON: Aidan for writing a great letter of apology!.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Erica for drawing a super picture and writing a lovely sentence about her favourite toy during ICT.

P3 MR FIELD: Heidi for always being so polite and helpful.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Ciara for fabulous work on the teddy bear..

Posted on November 16, 2022 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Congratulations Charlotte and Clara!

Charlotte and Clara recently took part in the FDTA Ulster Championships. They Irish danced their way to an overall 4th place for Clara and a 6th place for Charlotte as well as winning duo and trio awards. Well done girls!

Posted on November 11, 2022 and filed under Superstars Outside School.


P1 MISS DOBBIN: Holly for using lovely manners.

P1 MRS CORNISH: Ella for the most beautiful work, always amazing pictures.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Harriet for fantastic independent writing about her half term holidays.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HARRON: Robyn for being a really good friend.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Abe for super telling of the time in maths.

P3 MR FIELD: Ellie for excellent singing during rehearsals.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Ellie for excellent acting in Nativity rehearsals.

Posted on November 9, 2022 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Annie for fabulous acting skills. She was a reporter and interviewed Neil Armstrong about the moon landing.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Reagan for great work adding up coins. Luke for great work finding change from 50p.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Ryan for brilliant number work and knowing his number facts. Rosie for working hard to neatly complete grammar work.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Megan & William for behaving really well on the trip and representing Holywood by getting involved in all the activities.

P5 Mrs Brown: Asher & Kate for joining in with enthusiasm at our pumpkin harvest - evening though it poured.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Marnie for super ideas for her Autumn Haiku. Cara-Louise for working hard on HT&U.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Rudy for great work on long multiplication. Finn for super work with money amounts.

P6 Mr McConnell: Oscar for excellent work on long multiplication. Casey for great work on word problems.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Caleb for a great Iron Man model. Rachel for excellent rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Eve & James for excellent Iron Men constructions that each explained in super detail for the whole class as to how theyā€™d been built.

Posted on October 25, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P1 MISS DOBBIN: Kayleigh for doing super sound work.

P1 MRS CORNISH: Archie for amazing catching in PE.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Nao for amazing sounding out during story writing.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HARRON: Molly for great sequencing of all the characters in our shared reading books.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Sophia for fab work on our tricky triangles in class.

P3 MR FIELD: Lauren for always trying her best.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Joseph for creating a fantastic castle.

Posted on October 25, 2022 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P1 MISS DOBBIN: Beatrice for doing beautiful handwriting.

P1 MRS CORNISH: Rory for always doing the most beautiful work.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Myla for excellent mouse skills when painting fireworks on the computer.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HARRON: Mia for settling back into school after her long break.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Tristan for fantastic work on our number bonds to 10 in the ICT suite.

P3 MR FIELD: Indi for excellent coding during Shared Education.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Ciara for creating a fabulous fairy tale animation sequence using Just 2 Easy.

Posted on October 20, 2022 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P1 MISS DOBBIN: Rory for always working hard.

P1 MRS CORNISH: Elle for always trying her best and being so polite too.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Safaa for excellent phonics work and sounding out words.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HARRON: Eloise for trying really hard to get her work finished on time.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Rachela for beautiful neat writing and presentation of her work.

P3 MR FIELD: Edward for amazing weekend news.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Reuben for fabulous handwriting.

Posted on October 14, 2022 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P1 MISS DOBBIN: Isaac for being very caring and helpful.

P1 MRS CORNISH: Annabelle for beautiful writing and being a good friend to everyone.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Ruairi for writing a great description of a terrible creature that he drew.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HARRON: Thomas for being helpful and thoughful. Thomas offered to help another child with their zip.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Art for super work on nouns.

P3 MR FIELD: Henry for brilliant noun work.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Jack for fabulous facts about castles.

Posted on October 6, 2022 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P1 MISS DOBBIN: Seth for always working hard.

P1 MRS CORNISH: Aidan for being the best behaved boy who always does his best.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Harry for excellent sounding out during story writing.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HARRON: Adam for doing great money work.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Nico for amazing building skills during our Shared Education Day.

P3 MR FIELD: Sophia for excellent bar modelling.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Aoife for being a great friend on our Shared Education Day.

Posted on September 30, 2022 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Tomā€™s enthusiasm and predictions for our ā€œFizzing Moon Rocksā€ were brilliant!

P4 Mrs McKeown: Frankie for great number work this week. Martha-Rose for a lovely recount of her weekend.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Rayan and Abel for being very helpful in class and completing great reading activities.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Cara and Jacob for writing a lovely, creative ā€˜I amā€™ poem.

P5 Mrs Brown: Eva and Susanna for super stories about the day Mrs Brown went missing.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Juliette for working hard to learn x7 tables. Peter for consistent hard work at all times.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Hollie and Caden for superb fluency during guided reading sessions.

P6 Mr McConnell: Katie for working hard at place value. Taylor for a super kite poem (related to our novel Danny Champion of the World).

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Charlie for accurate measuring during the ā€˜Gnome Gnumeracy Challengeā€™. Sophia for a fantastic limerick.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Millar and Sarah for always volunteering to ā€˜Buddyā€™ and help with the P1ā€™s, both are excellent role models to the younger pupils.

Posted on September 30, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P1 MISS DOBBIN: Lucas for being very helpful and using lovely manners.

P1 MRS CORNISH: Alexander for listening so carefully to instructions and being enthusiastic.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Caleb for beautiful manners and always being polite to teachers and others in his class.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HARRON: Allyson for working really hard at presenting her work neatly.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Freya for wonderful work using the large gymnastic apparatus.

P3 MR FIELD: Sam for being kind and helpful.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Toby for fantastic problem solving in Superhero maths.

Posted on September 22, 2022 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P1 MISS DOBBIN: Xavier for being a very happy and well behaved boy.

P1 MRS CORNISH: Jesse for beautiful manners and for being such a well behaved boy.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Freya for excellent adding, neatly set out and all correct.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HARRON: Jemimah for coming up with great questions about our topic for our KWL board.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Zoe for reading so wonderfully in class.

P3 MR FIELD: Felix for excellent reading and a super start to P3.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Evie for demonstrating amazing skills in gymnastics.

Posted on September 16, 2022 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Eliza for thoughful work on the signs of Autumn.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Lucy & Maisie for beautiful pastel planets picture, very neat and paid attention to detail.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Henry for finding things in school to make him happy. Skye for working hard, following instructions and being kind.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Rory & Luca for working hard, following instructions and being kind.

P5 Mrs Brown: Abigail for completing all activities conscientiously. Harry for working hard on subtractions this week.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Liam for working hard and being cheerful despite his broken arm. Emma for working quietly and conscientiously all the time.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Charlie for showing wonderful enthusiasm for all P6 activities. Colby for always working hard and modelling great listening.

P6 Mr McConnell: Abraham for great work learning the 7x tables. Gracie for excellent work in maths and literacy and always giving everything a go.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Meadow for excellent work on long multiplication. Alfie for fantastic research on bats.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Blake for excellent attitude towards his work and is always being well-behaved. Charlotte for answering with confidence in class.

Posted on September 16, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P1 MISS DOBBIN: Ruby for being a great listener and doing beautiful colouring in.

P1 MRS CORNISH: James for great behaviour and listening so carefully.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Joshua for being exceptionally kind and thoughtful towards others.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HARRON: Dylan for making great CVC words during outdoor learning.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Zara for sharing and writing some lovely news all about her weekend.

P3 MR FIELD: Kaylee for brilliant number work.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Lizzie for fabulous descriptive writing.

Posted on September 9, 2022 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Tom for being a great friend.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Heidi for settling in well to Holywood Primary. Olivia for modelling good listening in class.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Jack for settling in well to Holywood Primary. Ella for modelling good listenng and hard wrok in class.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Indie & Lydia for really good work in week one (everything finished, neat presentation and good answers).

P5 Mrs Brown: Marlon & Cain for settling in so well to a new school and making friends.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Valeriia for a great start to P6 and for communicating really well. Lucy for being helpful to others and showing enthusiasm for all activities.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Carl for being a super friendly member of Room 10 and for having impeccable manners! Bethany for working very hard at her grammar activities.

P6 Mr McConnell: Willow for working very hard and accurately at her Maths work. Ethan for completing mental arithmetic activities quickly and accurately.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Leah for fantastic outdoor learning work involving Venn diagrams. Charlie for working hard during the outdoor learning challenge.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Will & Marcia for excellent teamwork and communication during our data handling outdoor learning work.

Posted on September 2, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P1 MISS DOBBIN: Alice for being very enthusiastic and an excellent start to P1.

P1 MRS CORNISH: Zoe for being so kind to her classmates.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Lacey for doing so well with writing really neatly. Well done!

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HARRON: Abigail for setting so well into P2 and for super work all about her summer news.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Luke for being a wonderful listener and role model in class.

P3 MR FIELD: Jaxson for an excellent start to P3.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Mason for a fabulous start to P3. Well done!

Posted on September 2, 2022 and filed under Stars of the Week.