P4 Mrs Gibson: Annie for fabulous acting skills. She was a reporter and interviewed Neil Armstrong about the moon landing.
P4 Mrs McKeown: Reagan for great work adding up coins. Luke for great work finding change from 50p.
P4 Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Ryan for brilliant number work and knowing his number facts. Rosie for working hard to neatly complete grammar work.
P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Megan & William for behaving really well on the trip and representing Holywood by getting involved in all the activities.
P5 Mrs Brown: Asher & Kate for joining in with enthusiasm at our pumpkin harvest - evening though it poured.
P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Marnie for super ideas for her Autumn Haiku. Cara-Louise for working hard on HT&U.
P6 Mrs Hammond: Rudy for great work on long multiplication. Finn for super work with money amounts.
P6 Mr McConnell: Oscar for excellent work on long multiplication. Casey for great work on word problems.
P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Caleb for a great Iron Man model. Rachel for excellent rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.
P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Eve & James for excellent Iron Men constructions that each explained in super detail for the whole class as to how they’d been built.