P4 Mrs Gibson: Tom for being a great friend.
P4 Mrs McKeown: Heidi for settling in well to Holywood Primary. Olivia for modelling good listening in class.
P4 Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Jack for settling in well to Holywood Primary. Ella for modelling good listenng and hard wrok in class.
P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Indie & Lydia for really good work in week one (everything finished, neat presentation and good answers).
P5 Mrs Brown: Marlon & Cain for settling in so well to a new school and making friends.
P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Valeriia for a great start to P6 and for communicating really well. Lucy for being helpful to others and showing enthusiasm for all activities.
P6 Mrs Hammond: Carl for being a super friendly member of Room 10 and for having impeccable manners! Bethany for working very hard at her grammar activities.
P6 Mr McConnell: Willow for working very hard and accurately at her Maths work. Ethan for completing mental arithmetic activities quickly and accurately.
P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Leah for fantastic outdoor learning work involving Venn diagrams. Charlie for working hard during the outdoor learning challenge.
P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Will & Marcia for excellent teamwork and communication during our data handling outdoor learning work.