Posts filed under Merit Badge Winners


P4 Mrs Gibson: Ellen for an amazing presentation about Endangered Animals.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Cormac and Sophia for their beautful cactus art with pastels.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Euan and Skye for great preparation and presentation of their class talks.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Ryan and Zach for excellence in talking and listening.

P5 Mrs Brown: Adam and Susanna for taking part with enthusiasm during Sports Week and House competitions.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Alex for neat and careful work in both Maths and Literacy.

Joshua for great problem solving in Maths and good explaining of methods.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Elsa and Oliver for wonderful work finding the area fo a triangle.

P6 Mr McConnell: Lachlan and Harry for good work finding the area of triangles and a big improvement in the presentation of their Maths classwork - much neater!

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Alfie and Emily for presenting an excellent class talk.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Will for planning and presenting an excellent class talk.

Ethan for an excellent Javelin technique during Sports Day practice.

Posted on May 17, 2023 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Ella for a fabulous watercolour painting of a lion.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Reagan and Frankie for working hard on the gr blend in their spellings.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Aria and Sam for following instructions, being enthusiastic and showing great skills during cricket sessions.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Charlie and Elizabeth for making an effort to prepare their parts for assembly.

P5 Mrs Brown: Vanessa and Luke for making a good start at multiplying by tens.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Lucy and Peter for very enthusiastic participation in all aspects of Viking Day and asscoiated arts and crafts.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Tate and Leon for enthusiastically taking part in cricket sessions with the Holywood cricket coach.

P6 Mr McConnell: Katie for great work on plurals.

Abraham for making a great start to percentage increase and reduction Maths.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Isaac for super participation at Greenhill.

Ruby for writing a lovely quote in the style of “The Boy the Mole the Fox and the Horse”

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Grace and Isabelle for excellent performances by both during the Drug Education workshop.

Posted on May 4, 2023 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson Holly for showing great interest in minibeasts and birds on her school trip.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Archie and Amber for showing great interest and enthusiasm on the class trip. Archie asked some very good questions.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Riley and Grace for showing great enthusiasm and good behaviour on our school trip.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Hala for working hard to improve her reading.

Caleb for thoughful comprehension and neat presentation.

P5 Mrs Brown: Ava for a beautiful painting of cherry blossom

Beth for good work on 3D shape.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Mya for working hard to learn her tables.

Emma for good explanations during problem solving in maths.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Caden and Cade for working very hard at finding information from a comprehension text.

P6 Mr McConnell: Teigan for settling in so well to life at HPS.

Willow for always working hard to learn her spellings and times tables.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Isobel for writing a fantastic autpbiorgaphy with a superb title!

Niamh for mastering long division!

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Evan for excellent batting and catching during our cricket sessions.

James for writing a very entertaining autobiography with an excellent title.

Posted on April 19, 2023 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson:

Jake for fantastic ideas in creative writing.

P4 Mrs McKeown:

Amber for working hard when reading aloud with confidence and expression.

Henry for being very motivated in independent writing.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson:

Jude and Ella for showing enthusiasm and effort during recorder lessons.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson:

Pranati for being a good friend and caring about others.

Alex for retelling the story of The Billy Goats Gruff so well.

P5 Mrs Brown:

Carson for working hard on equivalent fractions.

Nico for continued hard work in all areas of work.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood:

Cara Louise for a super effort to learn number facts.

Juliette for creating a wonderful Kenning poem about a duck.

P6 Mrs Hammond:

Will and Scarlett for their fabulous Kenning poems. Will’s was about ghosts and Scarlett’s was about her best friend.

P6 Mr McConnell:

Sam and Casey for writing an excellent Kenning poem about a knight and also for Casey’s excellent Kenning poem all about a snake!

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall:

Emily- Rose and Caroline for excellent participation during the Sports Changes Lives sessions.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart:

Martha and Ashton who were excellent participants during Sports Changes Lives sessions.

Posted on March 29, 2023 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Zach for working with a friend to create a fabulous power point presentation.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Fletcher and Sophie for working hard with their reading.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Theo and Maahi for good team work - briniging their skills to help produce lovely life - size chalk penguin pictures.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Molly for working really hard to catch up after being absent.

Ben for a big effort to improve his reading

P5 Mrs Brown: Caleb for working hard each day and being very helpful and kind.

Selena for having excellent focus, working hard and always participating fully in class.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood:Joshua for kindness and politeness in Ganaway noted by all the staff

Ashley for doing an amazing piece of programming using Logo.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Leah for being so adventurous on the zipline at Ganaway - upside down!!

Elsa for great basketball skills in PE!!

P6 Mr McConnell: Ethan for being so polite and helpful while away in Ganaway. All the teachers were very impressed!

Rene for pushing herself to give the climbing wall a go at Ganaway! Well done for stepping out of your comfort zone.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Olivia for working hard at her biography research of Eileen Collins

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Jacob for being a strong oral conributer in class, especially during novel week.

Posted on March 15, 2023 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Ellen for excellent research on polar animals.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Layla for working hard on her reading.

Henry for being a good friend to his peers.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Riley for working hard and making great progress in his number work.

Emily for drawing a really lovely polar bear in her Northern Light picture.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Spencer and Eden for great ideas and contributions to Young Enterprise.

P5 Mrs Brown: Hannah for making a fantastic effort to learn X3 tables.

Harry for his interest in topic work.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Archie for interesting contributions to class discussionson the Vikings.

Iris for working hard on perimeter questions.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Leon for working really hard at ordering fractions.

Chloe for a beautiful watercolour art piece of a mountain landscape.

P6 Mr McConnell: Jack for making great contributions to class discussions and working hard in all areas of his work.

Lucas for wokring really hard at his maths and always being so bright and cheerful.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Ben for excellent work adding fractions.

Ciara for super contributions during the Shared Education Lego challenge.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Amber for putting excellent effort into all aspects of the curriculum.

Faith for putting greater effort into her Maths.

Posted on March 1, 2023 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Joni for excellent work on our STEM project designing an igloo.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Ciara for consistently taking time and care to ensure great accuracy in her maths work.

Archie for working hard on opposites in his grammar work.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Freya - Skye and Qayssar for always trying their best and putting effort into everything they do.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Penny for working hard on division of money.

Jake for being a great friend and help to others around him.

P5 Mrs Brown: Saoirse for contribution to discussion - always very thought provoking questions.

Jamie for working hard to complete work on time and keeping jotters tidy.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Miller and Harry for fantastic understanding of and writing full answers for a class comprehension on Victorious Vikings.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Cade and Ella for speaking so well in their class PDMU Assembly about Friendship.

P6 Mr McConnell: Natasha and James for excellent work on equivalent fractions.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Vivien for wonderful radial symmetry work.

TJ for working extremely hard in Maths.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Darcy for conquering reflective symmetry on a 45 degree line!

Ethan for astounding Mrs Hart with his knowledge about national flags and capital cities!

Posted on February 8, 2023 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Freddie for an excellent riddle for Chiese New Year.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Jacob and Amy for great underarm throws in P.E..

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Jonah and Charlotte for working together well while demonstrating super throwing and catching skills.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Eve and Joe for writing great recount letters - adding lots of extra details

P5 Mrs Brown: Logan for making a good start to working with HTU.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Ethan and Jonah for great work and effort in all subjects and for good manners and behaviour.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Tate for always being a kind and helpful pupil to his freinds and to staff.

Zoe for completing all work with fabulous care and beautiful presentation.

P6 Mr McConnell: Emilia for very good work identifying lines and angles.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Charlotte for completing a fantastic travel brochure for Northern Ireland.

Lucy for excellent effort during our Pie Corbett poetry lesson.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Sophia for completing a maths mystery investigatino all on her own.

Lexi for much improved fractions and percentages.

Posted on January 25, 2023 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Henry has shown great interest in our WW2 topic and created a fabulous poster.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Sophia for excellent full sentences in her reading activity.

Hafsah for working hard on her plural rules.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Juliet and Archie both wrote lovely WW2 Evacuee letters. Their work was well presented and full of evacuee facts.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Ella for excellent reading activites.

Harrison for working really hard at spelling homeworks.

P5 Mrs Brown: Emily for working really hard to prepare spellings for Friday quiz.

Lorne for making a good start to digital clocks.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Ashley and Joshua for great writing and drawing to create a storyboard for part of the Firework Maker’s Daughter.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Carter and Arthur for brilliant work for turns in a circle!

P6 Mr McConnell: Catherine and Sam for super work on angles and turns.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Zara for great participation during the Carbon Literacy Programme.

Megan for writing a fantastic mystery story.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Polly for a fabulous mystery story.

Katie for great accuracy when converting fractions, decimals and percentages.

Posted on January 11, 2023 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Joshua for a fantastic WW2 helmet

P4 Mrs McKeown: Nina for great enthusiasm in our P4 dance.

Tom for great factual contributions to class discussions.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson Juliet and Jude for bringing Christmas sparkle to our concert rehearsals

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Molly and Jack for taking part enthusiastically in our Christmas concert rehearsals.

P5 Mrs Brown: Poppy and Toby for taking part enthusiastically in our christmas concert rehearsals.

P6 Mrs Clarke & Mrs Heawood: Cooper for fantastic work on co-ordinates. Emmy for excellent understanding of pronouns.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Scarlett for writing a wonderful newspaper recount on the three pigs. Mark for always giving 100% in all Maths, English and topic activities.

P6 Mr McConnell: Erin and Skye for writing great newspaper reports on the three pigs and the big bad wolf. Both had great detail, good headlines and interviews in their accounts.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Issac for excellent enthusiasm during mystery story writing lesson.

Flynn for making lovely designs using a compass.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Clara for excellent written English work across all subjects.

Louis for an expert construction of his decoupage box.

Posted on December 15, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Claire for excellent research on WW2.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Emily for working hard to learn her spellings ( she got them all right last week! )

Daniel for great work in subtracting and exchanging.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Aria & Jake fo working hard and being good team players with a great attitude.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Danny & Ella for wonderful posters on American states.

P5 Mrs Brown: Isla & Jack for wonderful posters on American states.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Calvin & Frazer for showing flair and great problem solving skills in ICT.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Logan for working hard to revise the x3 tables

Will for wonderful reading and always ensuring to use enthusiastic expression.

P6 Mr McConnell: Harry & Blake for great work on capacity and showing they know their measurement facts.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Daisy for super work finding fractions of numbers.

Jack for brilliant simplifying fraction work.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Zach for expert understanding shown on complex perimeter and area.

Jacob for working so hard on his spelling.

Posted on November 30, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson:

George for excellent scientific reasoning during experiments about space.

P4 Mrs McKeown:

Cormac for good work on plurals adding “S”

Eva Great expression reading the part of Professor Tangle.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson:

Sarah & Sam for completing a great write-up abiout their junk model designs.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson:

James & Con for great Clarinet / Glcokenspiel playing practising for Holywood Festival.

P5 Mrs Brown:

Kian for accurate work on probelm solving

Alex for a fantastic picture of Andy Warhol’s soup cans.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood:

Luke for logical thinking skills during coding for ICT

Rama for excellent work in literacy especially in homophones.

P6 Mrs Hammond:

Molly for working hard at long multiplication!

Betty for being a good friend and always including everyone.

P6 Mr McConnell:

Rene & Lachlan for excellent and creative work when coding in ICT.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall:

Oscar for workig hard as part of a team.during the recent catpapult STEM challenge.

Tsubasa fro working extemely hard and settlign in well to HPS

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart:

Ethan for excellent revision work on factors and direction.

Oliie for conquering how to interpret linegraphs

Posted on November 16, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Annie for fabulous acting skills. She was a reporter and interviewed Neil Armstrong about the moon landing.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Reagan for great work adding up coins. Luke for great work finding change from 50p.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Ryan for brilliant number work and knowing his number facts. Rosie for working hard to neatly complete grammar work.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Megan & William for behaving really well on the trip and representing Holywood by getting involved in all the activities.

P5 Mrs Brown: Asher & Kate for joining in with enthusiasm at our pumpkin harvest - evening though it poured.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Marnie for super ideas for her Autumn Haiku. Cara-Louise for working hard on HT&U.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Rudy for great work on long multiplication. Finn for super work with money amounts.

P6 Mr McConnell: Oscar for excellent work on long multiplication. Casey for great work on word problems.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Caleb for a great Iron Man model. Rachel for excellent rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Eve & James for excellent Iron Men constructions that each explained in super detail for the whole class as to how they’d been built.

Posted on October 25, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Tom’s enthusiasm and predictions for our “Fizzing Moon Rocks” were brilliant!

P4 Mrs McKeown: Frankie for great number work this week. Martha-Rose for a lovely recount of her weekend.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Rayan and Abel for being very helpful in class and completing great reading activities.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Cara and Jacob for writing a lovely, creative ‘I am’ poem.

P5 Mrs Brown: Eva and Susanna for super stories about the day Mrs Brown went missing.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Juliette for working hard to learn x7 tables. Peter for consistent hard work at all times.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Hollie and Caden for superb fluency during guided reading sessions.

P6 Mr McConnell: Katie for working hard at place value. Taylor for a super kite poem (related to our novel Danny Champion of the World).

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Charlie for accurate measuring during the ‘Gnome Gnumeracy Challenge’. Sophia for a fantastic limerick.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Millar and Sarah for always volunteering to ‘Buddy’ and help with the P1’s, both are excellent role models to the younger pupils.

Posted on September 30, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Eliza for thoughful work on the signs of Autumn.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Lucy & Maisie for beautiful pastel planets picture, very neat and paid attention to detail.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Henry for finding things in school to make him happy. Skye for working hard, following instructions and being kind.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Rory & Luca for working hard, following instructions and being kind.

P5 Mrs Brown: Abigail for completing all activities conscientiously. Harry for working hard on subtractions this week.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Liam for working hard and being cheerful despite his broken arm. Emma for working quietly and conscientiously all the time.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Charlie for showing wonderful enthusiasm for all P6 activities. Colby for always working hard and modelling great listening.

P6 Mr McConnell: Abraham for great work learning the 7x tables. Gracie for excellent work in maths and literacy and always giving everything a go.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Meadow for excellent work on long multiplication. Alfie for fantastic research on bats.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Blake for excellent attitude towards his work and is always being well-behaved. Charlotte for answering with confidence in class.

Posted on September 16, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 Mrs Gibson: Tom for being a great friend.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Heidi for settling in well to Holywood Primary. Olivia for modelling good listening in class.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Jack for settling in well to Holywood Primary. Ella for modelling good listenng and hard wrok in class.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Indie & Lydia for really good work in week one (everything finished, neat presentation and good answers).

P5 Mrs Brown: Marlon & Cain for settling in so well to a new school and making friends.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Valeriia for a great start to P6 and for communicating really well. Lucy for being helpful to others and showing enthusiasm for all activities.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Carl for being a super friendly member of Room 10 and for having impeccable manners! Bethany for working very hard at her grammar activities.

P6 Mr McConnell: Willow for working very hard and accurately at her Maths work. Ethan for completing mental arithmetic activities quickly and accurately.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Leah for fantastic outdoor learning work involving Venn diagrams. Charlie for working hard during the outdoor learning challenge.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Will & Marcia for excellent teamwork and communication during our data handling outdoor learning work.

Posted on September 2, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 MRS McKEOWN: Logan and Alanna for fantastic writing on their P4 memories

P4 MRS SMITH & MRS HARRON: Elizabeth and Caleb for enthusiasm during all our special events in P4.

P5 MISS RIDDELL & MRS HARRON: Carl for excellent persussion playing. Taylor for picking up and sorting out booklets which had fallen on the floor.

P5 MRS BROWN: Miller and Shion for their contribution to our class music for the Summer Serenade.

P5 MRS WILSON: Lucy for being an excellent friend to Veleriia whilst she settles in to HPS. James for showing excellent talent during sports week.

P6 MRS RIDDALL:  Bella and Ciara for fantastic participation at Conlig Outdoor Learning Centre.

P6 MRS HART: Darcy for putting 100% effort into all her work. Grace for always presenting her work beautifully.

P7 MRS CLARKE & MRS HEAWOOD:  Jonnie and Seth for a fantastic sketch using puppets on how to ‘Say No to Drugs!’ Well done boys.

P7 MISS McGUILE: Chloe for a wonderful model of Big Ben. Robbie for making super progree with his sounds.

P7 MR McCONNELL: Cally for a wonderful model of the leaning Tower of Pisa. Bea for a super model of the Pompidou Centre in Malaga.

Posted on June 22, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 MRS McKEOWN: Jamie and Isla for great contributions to class discussions on how animals have adapted to hot environments.

P4 MRS SMITH & MRS HARRON: Hannah and Joe for working hard and showing they are getting ready for P5.

P5 MISS RIDDELL & MRS HARRON: Lucie-May and Tate for excellent participation during our Happy Healthy Minds lesson.

P5 MRS BROWN: Leah and Cooper for making a great effort in our class sports week.

P5 MRS WILSON: Erin and James for excellent effort and good sportsmanship during sports week.

P6 MRS RIDDALL:  Alfie for great contributions to WAU discussions and Jack for super 24 hour time work.

P6 MRS HART: Evan for fantastic work on lowest common multiples. Millar for excellent cricket skills and supporting his ‘House’ well during sports week.

P7 MRS CLARKE & MRS HEAWOOD:  Mollie and Jayden for super water colour paintings in the style of Monet.

P7 MISS McGUILE: Susannah and Scarlett for always being so helpful around the classroom.

P7 MR McCONNELL: Arianna and Mimi for excellent water colour painting in the style of Monet.

Posted on June 9, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.



Luca and Martha for great javelin technique in preparation for Sports Week


Indie and Harrison for joining in well during the Happy Healthy Minds visit and having good ideas.


Gracie and Katie for great measuring in centimetres!


Finn and Lachlan for giving interesting talks on their hobbies.


Marnie and Arthur for great class talks including Powerpoint presentations.


Campbell for showing great enthusiasm during Sports Week.

Rachel for working hard at dividing.


Ollie for being the most outstanding friend.

Amber for continued focus and effort being put into all her work.


Mara and Lexi for great work in P7.


Holly for a super self portrait drawing using pencil and water colours.

Jamie for participating so enthusiastically in all events for P7 Sports Week.


Jason for excellent effort during Sports Week and also for showing great maturity when forgiving another pupil.

Macie for doing some great work despite having a broken wrist!

Posted on May 26, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.


P4 MRS McKEOWN: Susanna & Harry for good recall of the x 3 tables.

P4 MRS SMITH & MRS HARRON: Jack for getting better at remembering and following classroom rules. Eve for working hard and showing progress in numeracy.

P5 MISS RIDDELL & MRS HARRON: Liam & Harry for excellent work on perimeter.

P5 MRS BROWN: Juliette for great spelling revison for the monthly test. Abraham for working hard on HTU multiplying.

P5 MRS WILSON: Carter & Oliver for super work with co-ordinates in numeracy.

P6 MRS RIDDALL:  Max for working hard to consolidate long multiplication. TJ for super subtraction work.

P6 MRS HART: Blake for always tidying the room at the end of the day without being asked. Martha for revising her facts and formulae so well at home and answering confidently in class.

P7 MRS CLARKE & MRS HEAWOOD:  George for useful and sensible contributions to class discussions on our novel or other topic related activities. Lori for concentrating and working to the very best of her ability regardless of any distractions.

P7 MISS McGUILE: Maisie & Ben for super work using the protractor to measure angles.

P7 MR McCONNELL: Hayden for excellent reading during guided reading time and working hard when it’s not his groups turn to read. Jake for great work in his problem solving book and realising where he went wrong and identifying how to fix it.

Posted on May 13, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.