Double success for Holywood FC P7 boys

Four of our Boys' Football Team have also had a very successful season with their club outside school. Carter, Ryan R,  Matthew and Ryan M are members of Holywood Football Club's 2005 Colts team, who won both the South Belfast Youth League and Cup double! Well done boys, we're very proud of you and hopefully you've a huge trophy cabinet for those cups!!

Posted on May 30, 2017 and filed under Superstars Outside School.

Merit Badge Winners 25 May

P4 Room 15 Mrs Smith & Mrs McCartney        

Andrew & Annie for working well together when using the iPad to create an informative Safe in the Sun poster using Pic-Collage.                                                                                                                                            

 P4 Room 16 Mrs McKeown

 Kayla for working hard and trying her best.

Katy for a great class talk on her pets, she spoke confidently and made a fantastic powerpoint.

P4 Room 8 Mr Eves.

Ben W & Ben M both produced excellent class talks, spoke with great expression, confidence and enthusiasm.

P5 Room 13 Mr McConnell

Ellie for always working hard and producing a good standard of work.

Sarah for an excellent talk on ballet.

P5 Room 14 Mrs Brown

Simrah for working hard on Literacy this year.

Paige for always trying her best.

P6 Room 9 Mrs Clarke

Patrick & Oliver for good work in Mental Maths activities.

P6 Room 10 Miss McGuile

Hamish for super work converting fractions and decimals to percentages.

Georgia for brilliant reading of The Silver Sword in class with great fluency.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Eves

Charlotte for working hard on rotational symmetry.

Curtis for putting his ICT skills to practical use designing a banner for the Young Enterprise project....Keytastic Keyrings!

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart

Jack and Harrison for their enthusiasm and interest shown during their class Young Enterprise lessons.

Posted on March 9, 2017  and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Posted on May 25, 2017 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Two Superstars in P3 Room 6

Fantastic achievements in football and gymnastics for Zak and Grace.

Posted on May 24, 2017 and filed under Superstars Outside School.

Stars of the Week 24 May

P1 Mrs Donald: Sarah for always working hard and behaving so well!

P1 Mrs Elliott: Ruby for being a very kind and helpful member of the class.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Zara always does beautiful work and listens so carefully.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Cally for being a lovely, kind friend.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Jude for an AMAZING arrow throw in P.E.

P2 Mrs Curran:  Maia for super reading with great expression. Amazing!

P3 Mrs Gibson: Lucas is always ready to listen and tries hard to do his best.

P3 Mrs Fulton: Rob for his enthusiasm about our new topic - Minibeasts!

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Eva for making a  100% effort in all her work. Well done Eva!

Posted on May 24, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 17 May

P1 Mrs Donald: Noah

P1 Mrs Elliott: Vivien for trying really hard to complete all her work on time.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Caroline for trying to sound out words independently when writing stories.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Luke for great behaviour and good listening!

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Olly for filling in with a speaking part last minute in his class assembly. He did a great job, well done Olly!

P2 Mrs Curran:  Ronan for great reading and trying really hard to remember his reading words.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Bea for creating a fabulous Triceratops!

P3 Mrs Fulton: Madison for working really hard and getting ALL her work finished on time.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Struan for being so helpful during Dinosaur Day!

Posted on May 17, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Ruan represents NI County Down NI select

Holywood Primary’s very own football captain, Ruan, has been selected to play for the U12 NI County Down Select. Ruan and his teammates will be travelling to France on 1st June 2017 to compete in the Tournou International de Football in Dirinon.  All at HPS are very proud of his achievement and wish him all the best.

Posted on May 13, 2017 and filed under Superstars Outside School.

Merit Badge Winners 11 May

P4 Room 15 Mrs Smith & Mrs McCartney        

Daanyaal for great X2 tableware and for always joining in class discussions.

Faye fir great illustrations and for good X3 and X4 table work.                                                                                                                                            

 P4 Room 16 Mrs McKeown

Kieran for working quietly and quickly in class.

For his positive attitude to everything in class.

P4 Room 8 Mr Eves.

Robbie for great focus in class and super understanding of money tasks.

Ella for an excellent attitude to her classwork and being helpful in class.

P5 Room 13 Mr McConnell

Imogen for giving an excellent talk about her animals.

Olivia for giving an excellent talk about her gymnastics.

P5 Room 14 Mrs Brown

Aimee for wonderful creative writing.

Casey for more confidence in maths and 'giving it a go!'

P6 Room 9 Mrs Clarke

Ella for always making a good contribution to class discussions.

Jeanie for working hard to understand new concepts in maths.

P6 Room 10 Miss McGuile

James for fantastic recorder playing!

Rebecca for a great start to persuasive writing!

Posted on May 11, 2017 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Stars of the Week 10 May

P1Mrs Donald: Ollie for super progress with his phonics. Ollie is reading and writing words all by himself!

P1 Mrs Elliott: Meadow is a superstar! She gets all her work done on time. 

P1 Miss Armstrong: Isaac for fantastic number work!

P2 Miss Dobbin: Daniel for doing great literacy work.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Sam for always listening carefully and having beautiful manners.

P2 Mrs Curran: Erin for writing super sentences about her class trip to the Folk Museum.

P3 Mrs Fulton: Oskar for bringing in lots of brilliant dinosaur drawings that he did himself!

P3 Mrs Gibson: Zac for fabulous work when adding tens and units.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood   Charlie for excellent problem solving during their dinsosaur activities.

Posted on May 10, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Gymnastic Academy success

It was lovely to see Lily & Eva visit earlier this week. They came to tell me that they both had recently completed the 5 Start Skills Award. Their big smiles certainly give you an idea of how proud they were to receive their certificate too. Well done girls!

Posted on May 7, 2017 and filed under Superstars Outside School.

Art Competition Winners

We were delighted to hear that a number of our children had been successful in a recent art competitions.

Well done to P4 pupils, Fay  and Kieran  who were commended for their drawings in the North Down Model Railway Society competition which had almost 2,000 entries.


Well done also to our prize winners in the Holywood District and Community Council Art Competition. Congratulations to Ellie (P2), Clara  (P1) and Bronagh (P2). 



Posted on May 2, 2017 and filed under Competition Winners.

P4 Room 15 Mrs Smith & Mrs McCartney                                                                                                            

Fionbharr for working as part of a group to draw a life size penguin!

Scarlett for being a helpful pupil and for always offering to hold the door.                                                                                                     

 P4 Room 16 Mrs McKeown

Thomas for great symmetry work, he took his time and showed great attention to detail with his symmetry man!

Erin for being a very helpful and  hard working girl.                                                                                                                                                                                          

P4 Room 8 Mr Eves.                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Jack for excellent work on symmetry.

Philippa for showing great understanding of homophones.


P5 Room 13 Mr McConnell  

 Libby and Erin for a very good Egyptian story written in the first person.

P5 Room 14 Mrs Brown      

James for making a great improvement in handwriting.

Sophie for very good editing skills in Literacy.


P6 Room 9 Mrs Clarke      

Sophie K and Sophie C for great recount writing based on the class novel The Silver Sword.


P6 Room 10 Miss Mc Guile              

Kristian for being very engaged and answering well at Bangor Heritage Centre. Well done Kristian!

Lucy for wonderful work on factors!


P7 Room 11 Mrs Eves                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Molly for her positive attitude to 'catching up' when she had been off ill.

James for his enthusiasm and input into the Young Enterprise Project.


P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Noah and Eve for a super attitude and excellent performances during Cinderella Rockerfella. Noah and Evekept up with all their class work too - WELL DONE!

Posted on April 27, 2017 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Stars of the Week 26 April

P1 Mrs Donald: Charlie for great number work!

P1 Mrs Elliott: Daisy for knowing all her reading words.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Rachel for amazing reading!

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Lara for writing lots of super detailed about her holiday at Easter.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Charlie for always trying his best and being so well behaved.

P2 Mrs Curran:  Tilly for great bat and ball skills. Well done Tilly for  showing great control of the ball in P.E.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Jacob for being enthusiastic about his class dinosaur research! Jacob has some great ideas for describing a velociraptor.

P3 Miss McKeown: Scott for listening carefully and answering questions well about his P3 topics.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Alana for being so helpful all the time!

Posted on April 26, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 29 March

P1 Mrs Donald: Amber for brilliant work on the story of 3,4 and 5. Well done!

P1 Mrs Elliott: Ruby for being such a kind and helpful girl.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Faith always tries her best and has a great attitude to all her work.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Matthew for doing super number work.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Chloe for fantastic addition and subtraction.

P2 Mrs Curran:  Jake for retelling the story of The Three Little Pigs so well.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Katie for being an extremely thoughtful girl.

P3 Miss McKeown: Mollie for cleverly making a super parachute.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Steven for making a lovely Mothers Day card for his mum.


Posted on March 29, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.