P1 Mrs Donald: Charlie for great number work!
P1 Mrs Elliott: Daisy for knowing all her reading words.
P1 Miss Armstrong: Rachel for amazing reading!
P2 Miss Dobbin: Lara for writing lots of super detailed about her holiday at Easter.
P2 Mrs McGonigle: Charlie for always trying his best and being so well behaved.
P2 Mrs Curran: Tilly for great bat and ball skills. Well done Tilly for showing great control of the ball in P.E.
P3 Mrs Gibson: Jacob for being enthusiastic about his class dinosaur research! Jacob has some great ideas for describing a velociraptor.
P3 Miss McKeown: Scott for listening carefully and answering questions well about his P3 topics.
P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Alana for being so helpful all the time!