P4 MR FIELD: Noah for an amazing start to division.

Nina for reading with excellent expression.

P4 MRS MC KEOWN: Edythe and Lizzie for excelllent dictionary work.

P4 MISS DOBBIN: Luke for working hard at everything he does.

Conor for doing super dictionary work.

P5 MISS RIDDELL & MRS WILSON: Qayssar and Aria for always being ready to learn and putting 100% effort in.

P5 MRS BROWN: Luke for working hard at his Maths.

Claire for a super self portrait.

P6 MRS RIDDALL: Spencer for wonderful poetry writing.

Cara for excellent work on verbs.

P6 MRS HART: Harry for excellent work on common nouns.

William for superb long multiplication.

P7 MRS CLARKE & MRS HEAWOOD: Ashley and Marnie for perceptive and mature contributions to our class debate on the Iron Man.

P7 MRS HAMMOND: Bethany for working very hard at her Maths with Mrs McConnville..

Will for being very helpful around the classroom.

P7 MR MC CONNELL Abraham for great contributions during our class debate on the Iron Man.

Rene for super work finding the area of different shapes.

Posted on September 20, 2023 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.