P4 MR FIELD: Brady for creating a super space junk model.
Abbas for working hard with his phonics.
P4 MRS MC KEOWN: Ciara and Ellie for creating Solar systems that are out of this world.
P4 MISS MCDONALD: Olivia and Alfie for creating amazing space junk models.
P5 MISS RIDDELL & MRS WILSON: Alfie and Rosie for excellent work on division - worlking hard and showing great progress.
P5 MRS BROWN: Reagan for working hard on X HTU
Ella for great work on dividing.
P6 MRS RIDDALL: Zach for showing great determination to complete his work.
Beth for fantastic classifying triangles work!
P6 MRS HART: Adam for writing a brilliant story about his amazing dream.
Eva for excellent catching up on her triangle work, after being off school ill.
P7 MRS CLARKE & MRS HEAWOOD: Fraser and Joshua for clear explanations of methods needed for problem solving.
P7 MRS FRANCES: Logan and Carter for both creating wonderful Iron Man scrap material models.
P7 MR MC CONNELL Lachlan and Sam for designing and building two super Iron men - they had lots of good details!