P1 Mrs Donald: Alexander for thinking of lots of rhyming words.
P1 Mrs Elliott: Amelia for super reading and getting all her written work completed.
P1 Miss Armstrong: Emily - Rose for brilliant reading and sounding out unfamiliar words so well.
P2 Miss Dobbin: Abi for always trying really hard at everything she does.
P2 Mrs McGonigle: Bronagh for always doing fantastic work.
P2 Mrs Curran: Molly for super reading and knowing her spelling words so well.
P3 Mrs Gibson: Ruby for always trying very hard. Well done Ruby.
P3 Miss McKeown: Daisy for trying very hard to keep her writing neat. Daisy works hard at anything she does.
P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Ollie for trying so hard to be really well behaved and make sensible choices.