May 4
P1 Mrs Wallace: Missy for trying hard to do lovely handwriting and remembering spaces.
P1 Mrs Elliott: Sam for trying really hard to complete all his written work. Well done.
P1 Mrs Maher: Lori for being so caring and kind towards her friends.
P2 Miss Dobbin: Laurie for always using lovely manners.
P2 Mrs McGonigle: Anna for an excellent piece of writing about the life of a frog
P2 Miss McGuile: Arianna for fantastic writing about the life cycle of a frog.
P3 Mrs Gibson: Aleyna for beautiful work in her dinosaur booklet.
P3 Miss McKeown: Oscar for working really hard on his reading and writing. Brilliant work, Oscar.
P3 Mrs Curran & Mrs Heawood: Anton for good work on tens and units and using vertical addition.